Exploring Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy's Hidden Healing Power, with Dr. Sherr

Join us in the latest episode of Crackin Backs where we take a deep dive into the exciting realms of hyperbaric oxygen medicine and brain health optimization with our esteemed guest, Dr. Scott Sherr.

A board-certified internal medicine physician, Dr. Sherr holds an additional certification in hyperbaric oxygen medicine and is a decorated alumnus of UCLA and the University of Maryland Medical School. He stands at the forefront of integrative hyperbaric care, exploring its applications far beyond treating 'the bends' in divers.

As one of the few physicians in the nation using a comprehensive approach to hyperbaric care, Dr. Sherr integrates targeted lab work, diet, and supplementation to augment the healing potential of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. His expertise is not confined to HBOT, he also wears the hat of the COO for Troscriptions, a company renowned for its 'troches', or methylene blue lozenges that hold transformative potential for brain health.

In this episode, Dr. Sherr addresses skeptics in the human performance, neurophysiology, and sports medicine worlds, making a compelling case for the power of hyperbaric therapy and methylene blue. He also discusses the impact of these treatments on traumatic brain injuries, concussions, and whiplashes.

Finally, we delve into the intriguing world of methylene blue lozenges as cognitive enhancers, exploring their use for mental cognition, restoring brain function after TBI, and even for dementia. Join us for this insightful journey as we dissect the latest advancements in integrative medicine and cognitive enhancement with Dr. Scott Sherr.

We are two sports chiropractors, seeking knowledge from some of the best resources in the world of health. From our perspective, health is more than just “Crackin Backs” but a deep dive into physical, mental, and nutritional well-being philosophies.

Join us as we talk to some of the greatest minds and discover some of the most incredible gems you can use to maintain a higher level of health. Crackin Backs Podcast

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